Wednesday, July 22, 2009

School... School...Skool...!!!

Life is indeed difficult...... Waking up early day after day since 29 June 2009 was an uphill task (Miley Cyrus 'The Climb' playing in the background)..... Every single day seems to be soooooo long that even when the bell ring to signal the end of the day is often a sign of relief.... Well, that was before, now things have been better and lovelier.... Getting to know my students is such a wonderful thing in my life. By just teaching them makes my life more fun and more interesting. Helping them with their work seems to give me a lot of satisfaction...... Even better, to see them understand a topic is even more than a mre satisfaction... It has always been my philosophy that being a teacher in school is not only being a teacher but also a friend and cousellor to the students. This is because a teacher is a person who teaches but a friend is a friend who teaches, helps and share lives together (ermmmmm... share lives as in good rapport....). The two classes that i was assigned were two of the most wonderful class that 1 could ever ask for... (well, i was given 3 classes if the 1 that was taken away is counted)..... the students were very good.... behaviour wise, knowledge wise, and everything..... a sense of good patential can be seen in them through every single aspect. For me, they are the future..... having them in my class is just wonderful..... it's true.... wonderful wonderful students...... Now, going to school seems to be an anticipation to me....looking forward to school everyday.... A wonderful day that is.... (though some days are a dread).... Seeing my student in school makes me happy and they truly makes life more interesting and lovely for me! Thank you! Gotta go... will post again soon....hopefully.....